The hirer agrees to details as described in the agreement to hire and becomes liable for costs as listed overleaf, and the responsibilities of hirer as laid out in the following conditions upon signing of this document, providing credit card details, or payment of the mandatory deposit/bond or hire fees.
DEPOSIT and full amount of HIRE FEE are due and payable before commencement of hire.
BOOKINGS – are NOT considered confirmed until the non refundable mandatory booking deposit has been paid either via EFT / EFTPOS or card number provided and funds cleared, or in the case of cheques or money orders amounts tendered have been cleared by the respective bank, credit union, society or postal authority.
CANCELLATIONS: Once a booking has been placed the booking deposit paid at time of booking becomes forfeit if cancelled. If a hire is cancelled 7 days or less before hire start date then a further cancellation penalty of 25% of the outstanding balance applies. In circumstances of Illness, duress or restriction of travel due to pandemic situations eg COVID this immediate above clause can be negotiated.
BOND: $500 applies to all hires, either by cash or eft held in trust by DCTH, or a valid credit card number held on file for duration of hire with an express guarantee by hirer of funds being available should they require to be drawn upon under any clause contained within this contract.
CLEANING: Return of camper, ancillary equipment and accessories in clean and good order: Minor dust to inside camper & trailer where normal vacuuming & washing can easily remove is acceptable, however a minimum cleaning fee of $50 will apply where camper is returned in unacceptable condition or soiled canvas which requires extra cleaning or where the hirer elects to return camper in as is condition requiring extra/above standard cleaning procedures.
TYRES: Cost of punctures throughout the period of hire become the responsibility of the hirer or will be charged at the normal repair fee should unit be returned with a puncture. A wear % is applied to tyres fitted on pick up so as not to disadvantage both parties in relation to costs incurred below. The cost of replacement tyres should they be required due to shredding or blowout throughout the period of hire are the responsibility of the hirer. In the event of tyre being unsafe for further use for whatever reason DCTH needs to be notified (if practically possible) before any purchases are made en-route and receipts need to be supplied otherwise re-imbursement may be denied. This clause applies to a tyre failing under normal operating conditions as expected for the tyre type, but does not apply to a tyre failing due to staking, cutting of tread or sidewall where placed under adverse conditions or situations where the tyre is punctured and hirer continues towing (whether aware or not of puncture) and then causes irreparable damage to tyre. Where a failed tyre is not returned to DCTH or proof of such failure provided then it will be deemed that the hirer is at fault and becomes fully liable for replacement cost of tyre (and rim if applicable) with fair wear and tear allowed for as documented above. Replacement tyres are to be of the same size and ply rating as was originally fitted to trailer upon pick up.
INSURANCE————————-excess of $3500 is applicable to all hires where damage resulting from an accident (either multiple or single vehicle) or theft occurs during the period of hire, whether insurance is listed as a separate item or included within the standard rates. Where damage to the camper is of a value up to or less than $3500 the hirer is responsible for payment of repairs; however should a 3rd. party be responsible for damages caused to the camper whether by collision, accidental or malicious and the claim can be proved against this 3rd. party, and DCTH is then paid for damages resulting to the camper these monies will be refunded to the hirer up to the $3500 excess applied less any legal costs involved. Deposit/bond monies already paid can be applied to the above clause, given that the cost of any missing items as supplied under the hire contract are deducted first and should the damage be of a greater value than the dep/bond paid, DCTH has a right to collect from the hirer the balance of payment up to the $3500 excess. Should any collection costs be incurred for this amount then the hirer becomes responsible for payment of these being over and above what is owed to DCTH from the preceding clauses. In the event of theft DCTH is under no obligation to provide a replacement unit. In the event of accidental damage to a camper and the hirer elects to leave unit “in situ” and not return camper to place of hire or repair where the hirer could have reasonably done so then costs listed under RETURN section will apply.
DAMAGE & LOSS, Cost of repair of any wilful, negligent, malicious or accidental damage or loss occurring during the period of hire: This cost to be deducted from bond money tendered. The hirer also agrees to pay to DCTH any costs of such damage which are in excess of the bond money already paid plus costs of any fees incurred by way of legal process to recover these monies. Cost of repairs to canvas not considered as fair wear and tear to also apply under this clause.
THE HIRER as documented on this contract agrees not to leave or place camper in a situation where it would be susceptible to damage or loss from Natural disasters eg, fire, flooding, earthquake or severe storm activity where prior knowledge of such activity is common place and/or warnings had been officially issued. Acts of terrorism, war, demonstration or protest or use of the camper to conduct illegal activities. Towing the camper whilst under the influence of alcohol or allow other person/s to tow under influence of alcohol proven to be above the state blood alcohol limit. Towing camper or allow other person/s to tow whilst under the influence of drugs. Towing camper with unregistered, unroadworthy, or unsafe vehicle as deemed by legislation of state or territory of vehicle operation, or tow with over-loaded vehicle. *Failure to adhere to any or all of the above clauses a) – e) of section 9 voids all insurance claim and hirer agrees to become responsible for all costs incurred in recovery & repairs to camper and supplied accessories plus costs of any legal process entered into for recovery of same.
RETURN of hired camper and all extras and accessories as listed in contract overleaf by the return date or replacement cost of same. Late returns will be charged at normal pre discounted daily rates for each day past the nominated return date, unless previously advised by hirer or arrangements have been made to accommodate a later return time. Cost of retrieval incurred through non return of hired camper or accessories to place of original hire as listed in the schedule overleaf by the due date unless alternative arrangements have been made. NB If late return is due to the failure of unit en-route, costs listed under this condition may be waived, provided DCTH is notified immediately and proof of such failure is provided.
CLAIMS DCTH will suffer no claim from the hirer for re-imbursement for accommodation, fees, loss of deposits, compensation or any extra and sundry costs involved due to the failure of one of our campers or charged accessories either from accidental damage, mechanical breakdown or such similar event irrespective of whatever cause or event during the period of hire. DCTH will suffer no claims from the hirer in relation to any liability from the use of a DCTH supplied camper or accessory. DCTH agrees to provide a camper of the hirers choice or a unit of same or similar qualities should one not be available at the time of hire.
MECHANICAL failure, breakdown or camper un-roadworthiness is to be reported as soon as practicably possible to DCTH for assessment and repairs. Claims for unauthorized and unsubstantiated repairs will be denied and may result in extra charges applied to the hirer for correcting substandard workmanship or tampering. The hirer is not authorized to effect repairs to a camper without express permission being given by DCTH. Exception to this clause is in the event of a camper in a remote area with no available assistance, then permission to effect repairs to resume travel is given.